The goal of these patches is to add a test case for a SGX reserved
memory oversubscription, i.e. make sure that the page reclaimer and
and the page fault handler are working correctly.
Change Log
* Reorganized the patch set into smaller pieces, and refactored the code so that
the test enclave can be created inside each test case. Added a new test case
unclobbered_vdso_oversubscribed that creates a large enough heap to
fill all of the available SGX reserved memory (EPC).
Jarkko Sakkinen (8):
x86/sgx: Add /sys/kernel/debug/x86/sgx_total_mem
selftests/sgx: Assign source for each segment
selftests/sgx: Make data measurement for an enclave segment optional
selftests/sgx: Create a heap for the test enclave
selftests/sgx: Dump segments and /proc/self/maps only on failure
selftests/sgx: Encpsulate the test enclave creation
selftests/sgx: Move setup_test_encl() to each TEST_F()
selftests/sgx: Add a new kselftest: unclobbered_vdso_oversubscribed
Documentation/x86/sgx.rst | 6 ++
arch/x86/kernel/cpu/sgx/main.c | 10 +-
tools/testing/selftests/sgx/load.c | 40 ++++++--
tools/testing/selftests/sgx/main.c | 129 ++++++++++++++++++++----
tools/testing/selftests/sgx/main.h | 7 +-
tools/testing/selftests/sgx/sigstruct.c | 12 ++-
6 files changed, 165 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
This patch series add support for unix stream type
for sockmap. Sockmap already supports TCP, UDP,
unix dgram types. The unix stream support is similar
to unix dgram.
Also add selftests for unix stream type in sockmap tests.
Jiang Wang (5):
af_unix: add read_sock for stream socket types
af_unix: add unix_stream_proto for sockmap
selftest/bpf: add tests for sockmap with unix stream type.
selftest/bpf: change udp to inet in some function names
selftest/bpf: add new tests in sockmap for unix stream to tcp.
include/net/af_unix.h | 8 +-
net/unix/af_unix.c | 87 ++++++++++++++---
net/unix/unix_bpf.c | 93 ++++++++++++++-----
.../selftests/bpf/prog_tests/sockmap_listen.c | 48 ++++++----
4 files changed, 184 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
v1 -> v2 :
- Call unhash in shutdown.
- Clean up unix_create1 a bit.
- Return -ENOTCONN if socket is not connected.
v2 -> v3 :
- check for stream type in update_proto
- remove intermediate variable in __unix_stream_recvmsg
- fix compile warning in unix_stream_recvmsg
v3 -> v4 :
- remove sk_is_unix_stream, just check TCP_ESTABLISHED for UNIX sockets.
- add READ_ONCE in unix_dgram_recvmsg
- remove type check in unix_stream_bpf_update_proto
v4 -> v5 :
- add two missing READ_ONCE for sk_prot.
Rechtsanwältin BILBAO &EMMA ASSOZIIERT & CO...
TEL. ( 34) 602 810 185 FAX: ( 34) 931-702-120
Eingetragener Fall NR: GY/Q3J63753 / SQQ/93000XS10.
Ihnen wird empfohlen, die folgenden Informationen an Ihre Bevollmächtigte zu senden. Rechtsanwältin BILBAO & EMMA ASSOZIIERT CO ERMÖGLICHT IHNEN DIE FREIGABE IHRES FONDS:Wir bitten dringend, Ihre E-Mails an unsere Büro-E-Mail zu beantworten,,
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Wir möchten Sie informieren, dass das Büro des nicht Beanspruchten Preisgeldes in Spanien,unsere Anwaltskanzlei ernannt hat, als gesetzliche Berater zu handeln, in der Verarbeitung und der Zahlung eines Preisgeldes, das auf Ihrem Namen gutgeschrieben wurde, und nun seit über zwei Jahren nicht beansprucht wurde.
Der Gesamtbetrag der ihnen zusteht beträgt momentan €935, 470, 15, cent.
Der Gesamtbetrag der ihnen zusteht beträgt momentan €935, 470, 15, neunhundert fünfunddreißigtausend, vierhundertsiebzig und fünfzehn Cent, Das ursprüngliche Preisgeld bertug €785.810, 15.00 EUROS. Siebenhundert Fünfundachtzigtausend Acht Hundertzehn Euro und fünfzehn Cent Diese Summe wurde fuer nun mehr als zwei Jahre,Gewinnbringend angelegt,daher die aufstockung auf die oben genannte Gesamtsumme.Entsprechend dem Büros des nicht Beanspruchten Preisgeldes,wurde dieses Geld als nicht beanspruchten Gewinn einer Lotterie Firma bei ihnen zum verwalten niedergelegt und in ihrem namen versichert. Nach Ansicht der Lotterie Firma wurde ihnen das Geld nach einer Weihnachts Förderung Lotterie zugesprochen.
Die Kupons wurden von einer Investmentgesellschaft gekauft.Nach Ansicht der Lotterie Firma wurden sie damals Angeschrieben um Sie über dieses Geld zu informieren es hat sich aber leider bis zum Ablauf der gesetzten Frist keiner gemeldet um den Gewinn zu Beanspruchen. Dieses war der Grund weshalb das Geld zum verwalten niedergelegt wurde. Gemab des Spanischen Gesetzes muss der inhaber alle zwei Jahre ueber seinen vorhanden Gewinn informiert werden.Sollte dass Geld wieder nicht beansprucht werden,.wird der Gewinn abermals ueber eine Investierung gesellschaft fur eine weitere Periode von zwei Jahren angelegt werden.Wir sind daher, durch das Buro des nicht Beanspruchten Preisgelds beauftragt worden sie anzuschreiben.Dies ist eine Notifikation für das Beanspruchen dieses Gelds.
Wir möchten sie darauf hinweisen, dass die Lotteriegesellschaft überprüfen und bestätigen wird ob ihre Identität übereinstimmt bevor ihnen ihr Geld ausbezahlt wird.Wir werden sie beraten wie sie ihren Anspruch geltend machen.Bitte setzen sie sich dafuer mit unserer Deutsch Spanisch oder Englisch Sprachigen Rechtsanwalt in Verbindung Rechtsanwältin: Bilbao & Emma ASSOZIIERT & CO.., TEL( 34) 602 810 185 & email,( Ihre Antwort sollte an diese E-MAIL-Adresse gerichtet, (promolottooffice(a) )ist zustaendig fuer Auszahlungen ins Ausland und wird ihnen in dieser sache zur seite stehen. Der Anspruch sollte vor den 30 August 2021 geltend gemacht werden,da sonst dass Geld wieder angelegt werden wuerde.Wir freuen uns, von Ihnen zu hören, während wir Ihnen unsere Rechtshilfe Versichern.
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Wir gehen davon aus, dass Sie die erläuternden Anweisungen und Anweisungen für den Erhalt Ihrer Prämien (935 €, 470, 15 Cent) verstehen, die Ihnen von der spanischen Euro Millones /El Gordo de la Primitiva International lotterie Madrid Spain legal zugesprochen werden.
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Rechtsanwältin Bilbao & Emma ASSOZIIERT & CO..
Hinweis bitte geben Sie die folgenden Informationen, wie unten gefordert, faxen 34935457490 oder e mail: promolottooffice(a) ,es zurück in mein Büro sofort für uns in der Lage zu sein die Legalisierung Prozess Ihrer Persönliche investiertes Preisgeld zu vervollständigen, und das Geld wird Ihnen von Zentralbank spain Int ausgezahlt. Alle Prozess Überprüfung durch unsere Kanzlei ist für Sie kostenlos, weil unsere Kosten werden von der internationalen Lotto Kommission am Ende des Prozesses zu zahlen, wenn Sie Ihr Geld erhalten.Wenn Sie nicht die erforderlichen Informationen vor der Zeit gegeben hat, können ist Anwaltskanzlei nicht haftbar gemacht werden, wenn Ihr Geld reinvestiert wurde.
Ein Bestätigungsschreiben wird Ihnen gefaxt werden sofort wenn wir komplette Überprüfung der Informationen die Sie uns zur Verfügung stellen habe, Ich werde die Investmentbank unverzüglich über die von Ihnen angegebene Informationen zu kommen, bevor sie werden mit Ihnen Kontakt aufnehmen für die ausZahlung von Ihrem Geld . Ihre Daten werden vertraulich gehalten nach der Europäischen Union Datenschutzrecht.
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Nachdem Sie die von Ihnen geforderten Daten bereitgestellt haben, können Sie davon ausgehen, dass Sie innerhalb weniger Stunden direkt von diesem Büro erfahren werden. Bis dahin müssen wir Ihre Informationen verarbeitet und Ihre Fonds Akte für die Zustellung vorbereitet haben, um Verzögerungen zu vermeiden. Wir gehen davon aus, dass Sie die erklärenden Anweisungen und Anweisungen zum Einholen und Einholen Ihrer Auszeichnungen (€935,470,15 EUROS) verstehen, die Ihnen vom spanischen Euro Millones de La Primitiva International Madrid legal zugesprochen wurden
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Rechtsanwältin Bilbao & Emma Asociados, Abogados, Fiscal Y Accesorios horario de consultas Lunes.bis Samstag De. 09 - 16.30 Uhr 654280 / MLA & (Seien Sie informiert, dass Ihr Vertreter 10% des Preises als Provision erhält, wenn Sie Ihr Geld auf Ihrem angegebenen Konto erhalten haben) Mitglied des Consejo de Constitucional de España, (ACHTUNG Wir bitten Sie, auf diese E-Mail-Adresse zu antworten (promolottooffice(a) BÜRO-KONTOINFORMATIONEN- BANK NAME: P.F.S.SPAIN SL SWIFT CODE: PFSSESM1 IBAN: ES17 6713 0002 5700 0584 3906)COPYRIGHT 2019.LOTERIA SPANIEN. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. NUTZUNGSBEDINGUNGEN HANDELSPOLITIK DATENSCHUTZ VON BESCHWERDEN....
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WWW.GORDO/ EUROMILLIONS ESPAÑA Sitz der Gesellschaft: Torre Europa Paseo de la Barcelona 15. Planta 16 28006 • Madrid. (Spanien)
This patch series add support for unix stream type
for sockmap. Sockmap already supports TCP, UDP,
unix dgram types. The unix stream support is similar
to unix dgram.
Also add selftests for unix stream type in sockmap tests.
Jiang Wang (5):
af_unix: add read_sock for stream socket types
af_unix: add unix_stream_proto for sockmap
selftest/bpf: add tests for sockmap with unix stream type.
selftest/bpf: change udp to inet in some function names
selftest/bpf: add new tests in sockmap for unix stream to tcp.
include/net/af_unix.h | 8 +-
net/unix/af_unix.c | 86 ++++++++++++++---
net/unix/unix_bpf.c | 93 ++++++++++++++-----
.../selftests/bpf/prog_tests/sockmap_listen.c | 48 ++++++----
4 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
v1 -> v2 :
- Call unhash in shutdown.
- Clean up unix_create1 a bit.
- Return -ENOTCONN if socket is not connected.
v2 -> v3 :
- check for stream type in update_proto
- remove intermediate variable in __unix_stream_recvmsg
- fix compile warning in unix_stream_recvmsg
v3 -> v4 :
- remove sk_is_unix_stream, just check TCP_ESTABLISHED for UNIX sockets.
- add READ_ONCE in unix_dgram_recvmsg
- remove type check in unix_stream_bpf_update_proto
This patch set depends on:
I still kept pointer math to optimize the size of the digest_list_item_ref
structure. Replacing offsets with pointers would cause the size of the
structure to double. I could do this in the next version of the patch set
if the size change is acceptable.
Digest Lists Integrity Module (DIGLIM) is a new component added to the
integrity subsystem in the kernel, primarily aiming to aid Integrity
Measurement Architecture (IMA) in the process of checking the integrity
of file content and metadata. It accomplishes this task by storing
reference values coming from software vendors and by reporting whether
or not the digest of file content or metadata calculated by IMA (or EVM)
is found among those values. In this way, IMA can decide, depending on
the result of a query, if a measurement should be taken or access to the
file should be granted. The Security Assumptions section explains more
in detail why this component has been placed in the kernel.
The main benefits of using IMA in conjunction with DIGLIM are the
ability to implement advanced remote attestation schemes based on the
usage of a TPM key for establishing a TLS secure channel [1][2], and to
reduce the burden on Linux distribution vendors to extend secure boot at
OS level to applications.
DIGLIM does not have the complexity of feature-rich databases. In fact,
its main functionality comes from the hash table primitives already in
the kernel. It does not have an ad-hoc storage module, it just indexes
data in a fixed format (digest lists, a set of concatenated digests
preceded by a header), copied to kernel memory as they are. Lastly, it
does not support database-oriented languages such as SQL, but only
accepts a digest and its algorithm as a query.
The only digest list format supported by DIGLIM is called compact.
However, Linux distribution vendors don't have to generate new digest
lists in this format for the packages they release, as already available
information, such as RPM headers and DEB package metadata, can be
already used as a source for reference values (they already include file
digests), with a user space parser taking care of the conversion to the
compact format.
Although one might perceive that storing file or metadata digests for a
Linux distribution would significantly increase the memory usage, this
does not seem to be the case. As an anticipation of the evaluation done
in the Preliminary Performance Evaluation section, protecting binaries
and shared libraries of a minimal Fedora 33 installation requires 208K
of memory for the digest lists plus 556K for indexing.
In exchange for a slightly increased memory usage, DIGLIM improves the
performance of the integrity subsystem. In the considered scenario, IMA
measurement and appraisal with digest lists requires respectively less
than one quarter and less than half the time, compared to the current
DIGLIM also keeps track of whether digest lists have been processed in
some way (e.g. measured or appraised by IMA). This is important for
example for remote attestation, so that remote verifiers understand what
has been uploaded to the kernel.
DIGLIM behaves like a transactional database, i.e. it has the ability to
roll back to the beginning of the transaction if an error occurred
during the addition of a digest list (the deletion operation always
succeeds). This capability has been tested with an ad-hoc fault
injection mechanism capable of simulating failures during the
Finally, DIGLIM exposes to user space, through securityfs, the digest
lists currently loaded, the number of digests added, a query interface
and an interface to set digest list labels.
[1] LSS EU 2019
- slides:…
- video:
[2] FutureTPM EU project, final review meeting demo
- slides:…
- video:
Binary Integrity
Integrity is a fundamental security property in information systems.
Integrity could be described as the condition in which a generic
component is just after it has been released by the entity that created
One way to check whether a component is in this condition (called binary
integrity) is to calculate its digest and to compare it with a reference
value (i.e. the digest calculated in controlled conditions, when the
component is released).
IMA, a software part of the integrity subsystem, can perform such
evaluation and execute different actions:
- store the digest in an integrity-protected measurement list, so that
it can be sent to a remote verifier for analysis;
- compare the calculated digest with a reference value (usually
protected with a signature) and deny operations if the file is found
- store the digest in the system log.
DIGLIM further enhances the capabilities offered by IMA-based solutions
and, at the same time, makes them more practical to adopt by reusing
existing sources as reference values for integrity decisions.
Possible sources for digest lists are:
- RPM headers;
- Debian repository metadata.
Benefits for IMA Measurement
One of the issues that arises when files are measured by the OS is that,
due to parallel execution, the order in which file accesses happen
cannot be predicted. Since the TPM Platform Configuration Register (PCR)
extend operation, executed after each file measurement,
cryptographically binds the current measurement to the previous ones,
the PCR value at the end of a workload cannot be predicted too.
Thus, even if the usage of a TPM key, bound to a PCR value, should be
allowed when only good files were accessed, the TPM could unexpectedly
deny an operation on that key if files accesses did not happen as stated
by the key policy (which allows only one of the possible sequences).
DIGLIM solves this issue by making the PCR value stable over the time
and not dependent on file accesses. The following figure depicts the
current and the new approaches:
IMA measurement list (current)
entry# 1st boot 2nd boot 3rd boot
+----+---------------+ +----+---------------+ +----+---------------+
1: | 10 | file1 measur. | | 10 | file3 measur. | | 10 | file2 measur. |
+----+---------------+ +----+---------------+ +----+---------------+
2: | 10 | file2 measur. | | 10 | file2 measur. | | 10 | file3 measur. |
+----+---------------+ +----+---------------+ +----+---------------+
3: | 10 | file3 measur. | | 10 | file1 measur. | | 10 | file4 measur. |
+----+---------------+ +----+---------------+ +----+---------------+
PCR: Extend != Extend != Extend
file1, file2, file3 file3, file2, file1 file2, file3, file4
PCR Extend definition:
PCR(new value) = Hash(Hash(meas. entry), PCR(previous value))
A new entry in the measurement list is created by IMA for each file
access. Assuming that file1, file2 and file3 are files provided by the
software vendor, file4 is an unknown file, the first two PCR values
above represent a good system state, the third a bad system state. The
PCR values are the result of the PCR extend operation performed for each
measurement entry with the digest of the measurement entry as an input.
IMA measurement list (with DIGLIM)
| header |
| file1 digest |
| file2 digest |
| file3 digest |
dlist is a digest list containing the digest of file1, file2 and file3.
In the intended scenario, it is generated by a software vendor at the
end of the building process, and retrieved by the administrator of the
system where the digest list is loaded.
entry# 1st boot 2nd boot 3rd boot
+----+---------------+ +----+---------------+ +----+---------------+
0: | 11 | dlist measur. | | 11 | dlist measur. | | 11 | dlist measur. |
+----+---------------+ +----+---------------+ +----+---------------+
1: < file1 measur. skip > < file3 measur. skip > < file2 measur. skip >
2: < file2 measur. skip > < file2 measur. skip > < file3 measur. skip >
3: < file3 measur. skip > < file1 measur. skip > | 11 | file4 measur. |
PCR: Extend = Extend != Extend
dlist dlist dlist, file4
The first entry in the measurement list contains the digest of the
digest list uploaded to the kernel at kernel initialization time.
When a file is accessed, IMA queries DIGLIM with the calculated file
digest and, if it is found, IMA skips the measurement.
Thus, the only information sent to remote verifiers are: the list of
files that could possibly be accessed (from the digest list), but not if
they were accessed and when; the measurement of unknown files.
Despite providing less information, this solution has the advantage that
the good system state (i.e. when only file1, file2 and file3 are
accessed) now can be represented with a deterministic PCR value (the PCR
is extended only with the measurement of the digest list). Also, the bad
system state can still be distinguished from the good state (the PCR is
extended also with the measurement of file4).
If a TPM key is bound to the good PCR value, the TPM would allow the key
to be used if file1, file2 or file3 are accessed, regardless of the
sequence in which they are accessed (the PCR value does not change), and
would revoke the permission when the unknown file4 is accessed (the PCR
value changes). If a system is able to establish a TLS connection with a
peer, this implicitly means that the system was in a good state (i.e.
file4 was not accessed, otherwise the TPM would have denied the usage of
the TPM key due to the key policy).
Benefits for IMA Appraisal
Extending secure boot to applications means being able to verify the
provenance of files accessed. IMA does it by verifying file signatures
with a key that it trusts, which requires Linux distribution vendors to
additionally include in the package header a signature for each file
that must be verified (there is the dedicated RPMTAG_FILESIGNATURES
section in the RPM header).
The proposed approach would be instead to verify data provenance from
already available metadata (file digests) in existing packages. IMA
would verify the signature of package metadata and search file digests
extracted from package metadata and added to the hash table in the
For RPMs, file digests can be found in the RPMTAG_FILEDIGESTS section of
RPMTAG_IMMUTABLE, whose signature is in RPMTAG_RSAHEADER. For DEBs, file
digests (unsafe to use due to a weak digest algorithm) can be found in
the md5sum file, which can be indirectly verified from Release.gpg.
The following figure highlights the differences between the current and
the proposed approach.
IMA appraisal (current solution, with file signatures):
V |
+-------------------------+-----+ +-------+-----+ |
| RPM header | | ima rpm | file1 | sig | |
| ... | | plugin +-------+-----+ +-----+
| file1 sig [to be added] | sig |--------> ... | IMA |
| ... | | +-------+-----+ +-----+
| fileN sig [to be added] | | | fileN | sig |
+-------------------------+-----+ +-------+-----+
In this case, file signatures must be added to the RPM header, so that
the ima rpm plugin can extract them together with the file content. The
RPM header signature is not used.
IMA appraisal (with DIGLIM):
kernel hash table
with RPM header content
+---+ +--------------+
| |--->| file1 digest |
+---+ +--------------+
+---+ appraise (file1)
| | <--------------+
+----------------+-----+ +---+ |
| RPM header | | ^ |
| ... | | digest_list | |
| file1 digest | sig | rpm plugin | +-------+ +-----+
| ... | |-------------+--->| file1 | | IMA |
| fileN digest | | +-------+ +-----+
+----------------+-----+ |
^ |
appraise (RPM header)
In this case, the RPM header is used as it is, and its signature is used
for IMA appraisal. Then, the digest_list rpm plugin executes the user
space parser to parse the RPM header and add the extracted digests to an
hash table in the kernel. IMA appraisal of the files in the RPM package
consists in searching their digest in the hash table.
Other than reusing available information as digest list, another
advantage is the lower computational overhead compared to the solution
with file signatures (only one signature verification for many files and
digest lookup, instead of per file signature verification, see
Preliminary Performance Evaluation for more details).
The lifecycle of DIGLIM is represented in the following figure:
Vendor premises (release process with modifications):
+------------+ +-----------------------+ +------------------------+
| 1. build a | | 2. generate and sign | | 3. publish the package |
| package |-->| a digest list from |-->| and digest list in |
| | | packaged files | | a repository |
+------------+ +-----------------------+ +------------------------+
User premises: |
+---------------------+ +------------------------+ +-----------------+
| 6. use digest lists | | 5. download the digest | | 4. download and |
| for measurement |<--| list and upload to |<--| install the |
| and/or appraisal | | the kernel | | package |
+---------------------+ +------------------------+ +-----------------+
The figure above represents all the steps when a digest list is
generated separately. However, as mentioned in Contribution, in most
cases existing packages can be already used as a source for digest
lists, limiting the effort for software vendors.
If, for example, RPMs are used as a source for digest lists, the figure
above becomes:
Vendor premises (release process without modifications):
+------------+ +------------------------+
| 1. build a | | 2. publish the package |
| package |-->| in a repository |---------------------+
| | | | |
+------------+ +------------------------+ |
User premises: |
+---------------------+ +------------------------+ +-----------------+
| 5. use digest lists | | 4. extract digest list | | 3. download and |
| for measurement |<--| from the package |<--| install the |
| and/or appraisal | | and upload to the | | package |
| | | kernel | | |
+---------------------+ +------------------------+ +-----------------+
Step 4 can be performed with the digest_list rpm plugin and the user
space parser, without changes to rpm itself.
Security Assumptions
As mentioned in the Introduction, DIGLIM will be primarily used in
conjunction with IMA to enforce a mandatory policy on all user space
processes, including those owned by root. Even root, in a system with a
locked-down kernel, cannot affect the enforcement of the mandatory
policy or, if changes are permitted, it cannot do so without being
Given that the target of the enforcement are user space processes,
DIGLIM cannot be placed in the target, as a Mandatory Access Control
(MAC) design is required to have the components responsible to enforce
the mandatory policy separated from the target.
While locking-down a system and limiting actions with a mandatory policy
is generally perceived by users as an obstacle, it has noteworthy
benefits for the users themselves.
First, it would timely block attempts by malicious software to steal or
misuse user assets. Although users could query the package managers to
detect them, detection would happen after the fact, or it wouldn't
happen at all if the malicious software tampered with package managers.
With a mandatory policy enforced by the kernel, users would still be
able to decide which software they want to be executed except that,
unlike package managers, the kernel is not affected by user space
processes or root.
Second, it might make systems more easily verifiable from outside, due
to the limited actions the system allows. When users connect to a
server, not only they would be able to verify the server identity, which
is already possible with communication protocols like TLS, but also if
the software running on that server can be trusted to handle their
sensitive data.
A former version of DIGLIM is used in the following OSes:
- openEuler 20.09
- openEuler 21.03
Originally, DIGLIM was part of IMA (known as IMA Digest Lists). In this
version, it has been redesigned as a standalone module with an API that
makes its functionality accessible by IMA and, eventually, other
User Space Support
Digest lists can be generated and managed with digest-list-tools:
It includes two main applications:
- gen_digest_lists: generates digest lists from files in the
filesystem or from the RPM database (more digest list sources can be
- manage_digest_lists: converts and uploads digest lists to the
Integration with rpm is done with the digest_list plugin:
This plugin writes the RPM header and its signature to a file, so that
the file is ready to be appraised by IMA, and calls the user space
parser to convert and upload the digest list to the kernel.
Simple Usage Example (Tested with Fedora 33)
1. Digest list generation (RPM headers and their signature are copied
to the specified directory):
# mkdir /etc/digest_lists
# gen_digest_lists -t file -f rpm+db -d /etc/digest_lists -o add
2. Digest list upload with the user space parser:
# manage_digest_lists -p add-digest -d /etc/digest_lists
3. First digest list query:
# echo sha256-$(sha256sum /bin/cat) > /sys/kernel/security/integrity/diglim/digest_query
# cat /sys/kernel/security/integrity/diglim/digest_query
sha256-[...]-0-file_list-rpm-coreutils-8.32-18.fc33.x86_64 (actions: 0): version: 1, algo: sha256, type: 2, modifiers: 1, count: 106, datalen: 3392
4. Second digest list query:
# echo sha256-$(sha256sum /bin/zip) > /sys/kernel/security/integrity/diglim/digest_query
# cat /sys/kernel/security/integrity/diglim/digest_query
sha256-[...]-0-file_list-rpm-zip-3.0-27.fc33.x86_64 (actions: 0): version: 1, algo: sha256, type: 2, modifiers: 1, count: 4, datalen: 128
Preliminary Performance Evaluation
This section provides an initial estimation of the overhead introduced
by DIGLIM. The estimation has been performed on a Fedora 33 virtual
machine with 1447 packages installed. The virtual machine has 16 vCPU
(host CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 3955WX 16-Cores) and 2G of RAM
(host memory: 64G). The virtual machine also has a vTPM with libtpms and
swtpm as backend.
After writing the RPM headers to files, the size of the directory
containing them is 36M.
After converting the RPM headers to the compact digest list, the size of
the data being uploaded to the kernel is 3.6M.
The time to load the entire RPM database is 0.628s.
After loading the digest lists to the kernel, the slab usage due to
indexing is (obtained with slab_nomerge in the kernel command line):
118144 118144 100% 0,03K 923 128 3692K digest_list_item_ref_cache
102400 102400 100% 0,03K 800 128 3200K digest_item_cache
2646 2646 100% 0,09K 63 42 252K digest_list_item_cache
The stats, obtained from the digests_count interface, introduced later,
Parser digests: 0
File digests: 99100
Metadata digests: 0
Digest list digests: 1423
On this installation, this would be the worst case in which all files
are measured and/or appraised, which is currently not recommended
without enforcing an integrity policy protecting mutable files. Infoflow
LSM is a component to accomplish this task:…
The first manageable goal of IMA with DIGLIM is to use an execution
policy, with measurement and/or appraisal of files executed or mapped in
memory as executable (in addition to kernel modules and firmware). In
this case, the digest list contains the digest only for those files. The
numbers above change as follows.
After converting the RPM headers to the compact digest list, the size of
the data being uploaded to the kernel is 208K.
The time to load the digest of binaries and shared libraries is 0.062s.
After loading the digest lists to the kernel, the slab usage due to
indexing is:
7168 7168 100% 0,03K 56 128 224K digest_list_item_ref_cache
7168 7168 100% 0,03K 56 128 224K digest_item_cache
1134 1134 100% 0,09K 27 42 108K digest_list_item_cache
The stats, obtained from the digests_count interface, are:
Parser digests: 0
File digests: 5986
Metadata digests: 0
Digest list digests: 1104
Comparison with IMA
This section compares the performance between the current solution for
IMA measurement and appraisal, and IMA with DIGLIM.
Workload A (without DIGLIM):
1. cat file[0-5985] > /dev/null
Workload B (with DIGLIM):
1. echo $PWD/0-file_list-compact-file[0-1103] >
2. cat file[0-5985] > /dev/null
Workload A execution time without IMA policy:
real 0m0,155s
user 0m0,008s
sys 0m0,066s
IMA policy:
measure fowner=2000 func=FILE_CHECK mask=MAY_READ use_diglim=allow pcr=11 ima_template=ima-sig
use_diglim is a policy keyword not yet supported by IMA.
Workload A execution time with IMA and 5986 files with signature
real 0m8,273s
user 0m0,008s
sys 0m2,537s
Workload B execution time with IMA, 1104 digest lists with signature
measured and uploaded to the kernel, and 5986 files with signature
accessed but not measured (due to the file digest being found in the
hash table):
real 0m1,837s
user 0m0,036s
sys 0m0,583s
IMA policy:
appraise fowner=2000 func=FILE_CHECK mask=MAY_READ use_diglim=allow
use_diglim is a policy keyword not yet supported by IMA.
Workload A execution time with IMA and 5986 files with file signature
real 0m2,197s
user 0m0,011s
sys 0m2,022s
Workload B execution time with IMA, 1104 digest lists with signature
appraised and uploaded to the kernel, and with 5986 files with signature
not verified (due to the file digest being found in the hash table):
real 0m0,982s
user 0m0,020s
sys 0m0,865s
- remove 'ima: Add digest, algo, measured parameters to
ima_measure_critical_data()', replaced by:…
- add 'Lifecycle' subsection to better clarify how digest lists are
generated and used (suggested by Greg KH)
- remove 'Possible Usages' subsection and add 'Benefits for IMA
Measurement' and 'Benefits for IMA Appraisal' subsubsections
- add 'Preliminary Performance Evaluation' subsection
- declare digest_offset and hdr_offset in the digest_list_item_ref
structure as u32 (sufficient for digest lists of 4G) to make room for a
list_head structure (digest_list_item_ref size: 32)
- implement digest list reference management with a linked list instead of
an array
- reorder structure members for better alignment (suggested by Mauro)
- rename digest_lookup() to __digest_lookup() (suggested by Mauro)
- introduce an object cache for each defined structure
- replace atomic_long_t with unsigned long in h_table structure definition
(suggested by Greg KH)
- remove GPL2 license text and file names (suggested by Greg KH)
- ensure that the _reserved field of compact_list_hdr is equal to zero
(suggested by Greg KH)
- dynamically allocate the buffer in digest_lists_show_htable_len() to
avoid frame size warning (reported by kernel test robot, dynamic
allocation suggested by Mauro)
- split documentation in multiple files and reference the source code
(suggested by Mauro)
- use #ifdef in include/linux/diglim.h
- improve generation of event name for IMA measurements
- add new patch to introduce the 'Remote Attestation' section in the
- fix assignment of actions variable in digest_list_read() and
- always release dentry reference when digest_list_get_secfs_files() is
- rewrite add/del and query interfaces to take advantage of m->private
- prevent deletion of a digest list only if there are actions done at
addition time that are not currently being performed
- fix doc warnings (replace Returns with Return:)
- perform queries of digest list digests in the existing tests
- add new tests: digest_list_add_del_test_file_upload_measured,
digest_list_check_measurement_list_test_file_upload and
- don't return a value from digest_del(), digest_list_ref_del, and
- improve Makefile for tests
Roberto Sassu (12):
diglim: Overview
diglim: Basic definitions
diglim: Objects
diglim: Methods
diglim: Parser
diglim: Interfaces - digest_list_add, digest_list_del
diglim: Interfaces - digest_lists_loaded
diglim: Interfaces - digest_label
diglim: Interfaces - digest_query
diglim: Interfaces - digests_count
diglim: Remote Attestation
diglim: Tests
.../security/diglim/architecture.rst | 45 +
.../security/diglim/implementation.rst | 255 +++
Documentation/security/diglim/index.rst | 14 +
.../security/diglim/introduction.rst | 631 ++++++++
.../security/diglim/remote_attestation.rst | 87 ++
Documentation/security/diglim/tests.rst | 66 +
Documentation/security/index.rst | 1 +
include/linux/diglim.h | 28 +
include/linux/kernel_read_file.h | 1 +
include/uapi/linux/diglim.h | 51 +
security/integrity/Kconfig | 1 +
security/integrity/Makefile | 1 +
security/integrity/diglim/Kconfig | 11 +
security/integrity/diglim/Makefile | 8 +
security/integrity/diglim/diglim.h | 157 ++
security/integrity/diglim/fs.c | 782 ++++++++++
security/integrity/diglim/methods.c | 499 ++++++
security/integrity/diglim/parser.c | 274 ++++
security/integrity/integrity.h | 4 +
tools/testing/selftests/Makefile | 1 +
tools/testing/selftests/diglim/Makefile | 19 +
tools/testing/selftests/diglim/common.c | 115 ++
tools/testing/selftests/diglim/common.h | 31 +
tools/testing/selftests/diglim/config | 3 +
tools/testing/selftests/diglim/selftest.c | 1382 +++++++++++++++++
26 files changed, 4486 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 Documentation/security/diglim/architecture.rst
create mode 100644 Documentation/security/diglim/implementation.rst
create mode 100644 Documentation/security/diglim/index.rst
create mode 100644 Documentation/security/diglim/introduction.rst
create mode 100644 Documentation/security/diglim/remote_attestation.rst
create mode 100644 Documentation/security/diglim/tests.rst
create mode 100644 include/linux/diglim.h
create mode 100644 include/uapi/linux/diglim.h
create mode 100644 security/integrity/diglim/Kconfig
create mode 100644 security/integrity/diglim/Makefile
create mode 100644 security/integrity/diglim/diglim.h
create mode 100644 security/integrity/diglim/fs.c
create mode 100644 security/integrity/diglim/methods.c
create mode 100644 security/integrity/diglim/parser.c
create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/diglim/Makefile
create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/diglim/common.c
create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/diglim/common.h
create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/diglim/config
create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/diglim/selftest.c
Exit with return code 4 if lkdtm is not available like other tests
in order to properly skip the test.
Signed-off-by: Misono Tomohiro <misono.tomohiro(a)>
I saw the same problem reported here (on 5.14-rc4):…
tools/testing/selftests/lkdtm/ | 16 +++++++++++++++-
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/tools/testing/selftests/lkdtm/ b/tools/testing/selftests/lkdtm/
index 1b4d95d575f8..14fedeef762e 100755
--- a/tools/testing/selftests/lkdtm/
+++ b/tools/testing/selftests/lkdtm/
@@ -4,13 +4,27 @@
# Measure kernel stack entropy by sampling via LKDTM's REPORT_STACK test.
set -e
+# Verify we have LKDTM available in the kernel.
+if [ ! -r $TRIGGER ] ; then
+ /sbin/modprobe -q lkdtm || true
+ if [ ! -r $TRIGGER ] ; then
+ echo "Cannot find $TRIGGER (missing CONFIG_LKDTM?)"
+ else
+ echo "Cannot write $TRIGGER (need to run as root?)"
+ fi
+ # Skip this test
# Capture dmesg continuously since it may fill up depending on sample size.
log=$(mktemp -t stack-entropy-XXXXXX)
dmesg --follow >"$log" & pid=$!
for i in $(seq 1 $samples); do
- echo "REPORT_STACK" >/sys/kernel/debug/provoke-crash/DIRECT
if [ -t 1 ]; then
percent=$(( 100 * $i / $samples ))
if [ "$percent" -ne "$report" ]; then
A common feature of unit testing frameworks is support for sharing a test
configuration across multiple unit tests. Add this functionality to the
KUnit framework. This functionality will be used in the next patch in this
Reviewed-by: Brendan Higgins <brendanhiggins(a)>
Cc: David Gow <davidgow(a)>
Cc: Shuah Khan <skhan(a)>
Cc: kunit-dev(a)
Cc: linux-kselftest(a)
Cc: Bodo Stroesser <bostroesser(a)>
Cc: Martin K. Petersen <martin.petersen(a)>
Cc: Yanko Kaneti <yaneti(a)>
Signed-off-by: Bart Van Assche <bvanassche(a)>
include/kunit/test.h | 4 ++++
lib/kunit/test.c | 14 ++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 18 insertions(+)
diff --git a/include/kunit/test.h b/include/kunit/test.h
index 24b40e5c160b..a6eef96a409c 100644
--- a/include/kunit/test.h
+++ b/include/kunit/test.h
@@ -215,6 +215,8 @@ static inline char *kunit_status_to_ok_not_ok(enum kunit_status status)
* struct kunit_suite - describes a related collection of &struct kunit_case
* @name: the name of the test. Purely informational.
+ * @init_suite: called once per test suite before the test cases.
+ * @exit_suite: called once per test suite after all test cases.
* @init: called before every test case.
* @exit: called after every test case.
* @test_cases: a null terminated array of test cases.
@@ -229,6 +231,8 @@ static inline char *kunit_status_to_ok_not_ok(enum kunit_status status)
struct kunit_suite {
const char name[256];
+ int (*init_suite)(void);
+ void (*exit_suite)(void);
int (*init)(struct kunit *test);
void (*exit)(struct kunit *test);
struct kunit_case *test_cases;
diff --git a/lib/kunit/test.c b/lib/kunit/test.c
index d79ecb86ea57..c271692ced93 100644
--- a/lib/kunit/test.c
+++ b/lib/kunit/test.c
@@ -397,9 +397,19 @@ int kunit_run_tests(struct kunit_suite *suite)
char param_desc[KUNIT_PARAM_DESC_SIZE];
struct kunit_case *test_case;
+ int res = 0;
+ if (suite->init_suite)
+ res = suite->init_suite();
+ if (res < 0) {
+ "# Suite initialization failed (%d)\n", res);
+ goto end;
+ }
kunit_suite_for_each_test_case(suite, test_case) {
struct kunit test = { .param_value = NULL, .param_index = 0 };
test_case->status = KUNIT_SKIPPED;
@@ -439,6 +449,10 @@ int kunit_run_tests(struct kunit_suite *suite)
+ if (suite->exit_suite)
+ suite->exit_suite();
return 0;
TDX stands for Trust Domain Extensions which isolates VMs from the
virtual-machine manager (VMM)/hypervisor and any other software on the
Intel has recently submitted a set of RFC patches for KVM support for
TDX and more information can be found on the latest TDX Support
Due to the nature of the confidential computing environment that TDX
provides, it is very difficult to verify/test the KVM support. TDX
requires UEFI and the guest kernel to be enlightened which are all under
We are working on a set of selftests to close this gap and be able to
verify the KVM functionality to support TDX lifecycle and GHCI [1]
We are looking for any feedback on:
- Patch series itself
- Any suggestion on how we should approach testing TDX functionality.
Does selftests seems reasonable or should we switch to using KVM
unit tests. I would be happy to get some perspective on how KVM unit
tests can help us more.
- Any test case or scenario that we should add.
- Anything else I have not thought of yet.
Current patch series provide the following capabilities:
- Provide helper functions to create a TD (Trusted Domain) using the KVM
- Provide helper functions to create a guest image that can include any
testing code
- Provide helper functions and wrapper functions to write testing code
using GHCI interface
- Add a test case that verifies TDX life cycle
- Add a test case that verifies TDX GHCI port IO
- Use existing function to create page tables dynamically
(ie __virt_pg_map())
- Remove arbitrary defined magic numbers for data structure offsets
- Add TDVMCALL for error reporting
- Add additional test cases as some listed below
- Add #VE handlers to help testing more complicated test cases
Other test cases that we are planning to add:
(with credit to sagis(a)
VM call interface Input Output Result
GetTdVmCallInfo R12=0 None VMCALL_SUCCESS
MapGPA Map private page (GPA.S=0) VMCALL_SUCCESS
MapGPA Map shared page (GPA.S=1) VMCALL_SUCCESS
MapGPA Map already private page as private VMCALL_INVALID_OPERAND
MapGPA Map already shared page as shared VMCALL_INVALID_OPERAND
SetupEventNotifyInterrupt Valid interrupt value (32:255) VMCALL_SUCCESS
SetupEventNotifyInterrupt Invalid value (>255) VMCALL_INVALID_OPERAND
Instruction.CPUID R12(EAX)=1, R13(ECX)=0 EBX[8:15]=0x8
Instruction.IO Read/Write 1/2/4 bytes VMCALL_SUCCESS
Instruction.IO Read/Write 3 bytes VMCALL_INVALID_OPERAND
Instruction.RDMSR Accessible register R11=msr_value VMCALL_SUCCESS
Inaccessible register VMCALL_INVALID_OPERAND
Instruction.RDMSR Accessible register VMCALL_SUCCESS
Inaccessible register VMCALL_INVALID_OPERAND
[1] Intel TDX Guest-Hypervisor Communication Interface…
Erdem Aktas (4):
KVM: selftests: Add support for creating non-default type VMs
KVM: selftest: Add helper functions to create TDX VMs
KVM: selftest: Adding TDX life cycle test.
KVM: selftest: Adding test case for TDX port IO
tools/testing/selftests/kvm/Makefile | 6 +-
.../testing/selftests/kvm/include/kvm_util.h | 1 +
.../selftests/kvm/include/x86_64/processor.h | 5 +
tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/kvm_util.c | 29 +-
.../selftests/kvm/lib/x86_64/processor.c | 23 ++
tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/x86_64/tdx.h | 220 ++++++++++++
.../selftests/kvm/lib/x86_64/tdx_lib.c | 314 ++++++++++++++++++
.../selftests/kvm/x86_64/tdx_vm_tests.c | 209 ++++++++++++
8 files changed, 800 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/x86_64/tdx.h
create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/kvm/lib/x86_64/tdx_lib.c
create mode 100644 tools/testing/selftests/kvm/x86_64/tdx_vm_tests.c
This patch series add support for unix stream type
for sockmap. Sockmap already supports TCP, UDP,
unix dgram types. The unix stream support is similar
to unix dgram.
Also add selftests for unix stream type in sockmap tests.
Jiang Wang (5):
af_unix: add read_sock for stream socket types
af_unix: add unix_stream_proto for sockmap
selftest/bpf: add tests for sockmap with unix stream type.
selftest/bpf: change udp to inet in some function names
selftest/bpf: add new tests in sockmap for unix stream to tcp.
include/net/af_unix.h | 8 +-
net/core/sock_map.c | 8 +-
net/unix/af_unix.c | 86 ++++++++++++++---
net/unix/unix_bpf.c | 96 ++++++++++++++-----
.../selftests/bpf/prog_tests/sockmap_listen.c | 48 ++++++----
5 files changed, 193 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
v1 -> v2 :
- Call unhash in shutdown.
- Clean up unix_create1 a bit.
- Return -ENOTCONN if socket is not connected.
v2 -> v3 :
- check for stream type in update_proto
- remove intermediate variable in __unix_stream_recvmsg
- fix compile warning in unix_stream_recvmsg