== Progress ==
LLDB development -- Testing and bug fixing lldb on hikey AArch64 [TCWG-886] [2/10] -- Looked into watchpoint tests which are still failing after committing watchpoint support and bug fixes. -- Modifications to arm hardware breakpoint and watchpoint support [TCWG-770] [TCWG-794] [7/10] -- Resubmitted the pending patch http://reviews.llvm.org/D9703 -- Testing on chromebook with precise chroot works.
Miscellaneous [1/10] -- Meetings, emails, discussions etc. -- Looking into slow data transfer issues on chromebook and highkey board
== Plan ==
LLDB development -- Get patches reviewed and committ them. -- Continue looking into tests which are still failing on Arm and AArch64 -- Run test comparison between linux x86, android arm and linux arm