== String routines == * Sent updated memchr to the eglibc list
== 64 bit atomics == * Ran a set of timing consistency tests that a colleague had sent me while I was off; Panda passed those, so time doesn't appear to be going backwards or anything, so that's not the problem with membase. * Pushed the code into linaro-gcc.
== QEmu == * Tested Peter's prerelease - all good. * Started looking at the issues for running in TCG mode on ARM
== Other == * Read through the ARMv8 instructions docs that landed on arm.com; quite interesting. Note that multiple instruction IT blocks are listed as being deprecated for 32bit mode on v8 (although this will work but it can be put in a mode to fault you to make it easy to find the uses). * Some debugging of Panda odd timing issue with Paul Mckenney.