* TSAN support for Aarch64 (5/10) Fixed some kernel size issues in my local working tree. (TCWG-581) . GCC does not default to -fPIE or -pie. Ran into address layout issues when I used -fsanitize=thread. Some test cases passed with the mapping I used for 42 bit VA when -pie and -fPIE are added.
* Bug 869 - Looking at match.pd to remove type promotion in ABS_EXPR (1/10)
* Emails, meetings. (2/10) * Linaro 1-1 with maxim and Ryan. * AMD meetings/event, 1-1 with AMD manager, status meeting. * GCC mailing list.
Leave on 20-Feb-2015 (2/10)
== Plan == * TSAN support for Aarch64 work fixing GCC -fsanitize=thread option. * Break tasks under TCWG-581. * LLVM build with local patches. * Bug869. * Misc and Meetings (AMD, LInaro)