== Progress ==
* Kernel (CARD-1246 4/10) - Named registers committed in Clang - GCC seems to break on local named regs, too. - Trying to change the kernel code to use only globals for non-GPRs - Adding support for pointer types, and structure fields in GNRVs
* Benchmarks (CARD-716 0/10) - Re-enabling perf reports for LNT bot (ARM fixed reporting)
* Background (6/10) - Code review, meetings, discussions, etc. - Removing *all* buildbots' batteries after failure - Testing D01 box, not stable yet for toolchain testing - Moving development to git.linaro.org (for backup) - Planning TCWG rack migration - Drafting an LLVM white paper
== Plan ==
* Continue with named register extra work (http://llvm.org/PR19837) * Start TCWG rack migration * Discussions about LLVM white paper