== Progress == * GCC trunk/4.9 cross-validation (1/10) - submitted a couple of patches to clean testsuite cases
* Neon intrinsic tests (1/10) - submitted patch to avoid running the tests on ARM targets w/o Neon - started adding new tests - created 2 PR about intrinsic tests failing on AArch64_be (1 assigned to Venkat, 1 to me)
* AArch64 sanitizer (1/10) - submitted a patch upstream to allow supporting both older and newer kernels No feedback so far.
* GCC 4.8 and 4.9 releases (3/10) - preparing both releases including ARM's latest fixes for the A53 erratum - had to respin mid-week after new fix was committed - LINK_SPEC patch not committed yet in 4.8, and committed in 4.9 after I made the branch merge. - now checking results with references. Several FAIL appear. TBC.
* cbuild2 schroot and master branches comparison (1/10) - re-ran schroot branch after cleaning spurious "-static" flag left in dejagnu configuration - better results, faster
* Misc (3/10) - calls, meetings
== Next == * GCC 4.8 and 4.9 releases: hopefully, after branch merge review * AArch64 sanitizer * Neon intrinsics tests update * cbuild2: - analyze previous results - look at backport-test and tcwgweb scripts + logs