We have cloned the meta-linaro layer and when we build,we are facing some issues when the do_fetch() task is executing for the gcc-source-linaro-5.1 package.
I enabled the -v option of wget and I am able to see the download starts and fails randomly after progressing to some extent i.e. 10% or 27%. The connection is reset by peer and wget exits. I tried increasing the timeout option of wget as well.
Any idea what's wrong. Find attached the log of the error.
Thanks & Regards,
Hari Prasath
On Wed, May 25, 2016 at 8:09 AM, Gujulan Elango, Hari Prasath (H.) hgujulan@visteon.com wrote:
I enabled the -v option of wget and I am able to see the download starts and fails randomly after progressing to some extent i.e. 10% or 27%. The connection is reset by peer and wget exits. I tried increasing the timeout option of wget as well.
This is some kind of networking or web server problem. We only know how to fix compiler problems here on the linaro-toolchain list. I did confirm that I can download the file OK, both via wget and via chrome.. I noticed that the https support on releases.linaro.org is not working, and I had to use http instead, but it isn't clear if that is related to your problem.