Summary: * ARM internal training and R/M toolchain related work. * Investigate Linaro toolchain 4.8 build issues.
Details: 1. Fix several linaro toolchain 4.8 binary build issues: * nls patch need be updated to add (char *) when assigning the result of xmalloc to a char*. * gcc build pass-2 need build libbacktrace (get patch from crosstool-ng upstream). * gcc build pass-2 build with "-j4" fail. Seams build order issue. A workaround is to remove "-j4". * Mingw32 confiugre fail due to missing ISL. A workaround is to add "--without-isl"
Plan: * Work with Bero to release 4.8. * Swith to ISL/CLooG for future release.
Best Regards! -Zhenqiang