Port to microinstance - TCWG-432 [17/10] * Investigating difference between LAVA and 'desktop Juno' runtimes ** Some of this was down to piles of /dev/console output - redirecting to file improved SPEC build time by 75%! ** Some cases make sense, others remain unexplained ** Might just go away if we update the Juno image * Wrote up how to do benchmarking for minimal-trust cases ** Needs both lab and development work * Merged another large tranche of changes back to benchmarking branch ** Microinstance more or less functional, main instance benchmarking seems unbroken ** But some more tweaks to make as Lab work happens * Prepared backport benchmarking for merge
Misc [3/10]
* Submit backport benchmarking for review * Tweak uinstance in reaction to lab work * Implement the non-lab side of minimal-trust benchmarking * Return to looking at Juno image generation * Look some more at LAVA/desktop runtime differences * Implement small improvements, if time