Investigate effectiveness of noise-control measures - TCWG-358 [4/10] * Recovered from a couple more crashes, existing logging sheds no light * Explored the existing data a bit, need more to draw any conclusions
Controlled image builds - TCWG-360 [2/10] * Looked into controlled, repeatable debian builds, B&B-style * Got the general shape of it, checking my understanding with Fathi
LAVA microinstance - TCWG-396 [1/10] * Sent doc for review, revised it a bit
Misc [3/10] * Exported benchmark/results handling rules to a place other Linaro-ans can read them * Updated example LAVA jobs to use tcwg tag (for load balancing purposes) * Meetings, mail, etc
Generate more noise data, watching out for crashes Produce a candidate Debian image, document how I did it If time, learn about Workload Automation