== Progress == * Setup new git mirror of new binutils-gdb.git repository, and added a cron job to update it every 10 minutes. (#369, .5/10) * Started modifying Cbuildv2 to use new binutils-gdb repository, which changes how we parse URLs. (.5/10) * Modified Cbuildv2 to produce fully statically linked binaries so 32bit ones run on any distro, including 64 bit. (#368, 3.5/10) * Worked with LAVA team to set up a private Jenkins for TCWG use only to protect test and benchmark data. (#379, 2/10) * Fixed Cbuildv2 bug where the dryrun function wasn't properly trapping configure and build errors. (.5/10) * Meetings & Card maintainance. (2/10) * Quick winter camping trip at the hot springs for my bday, hit -38C !
== Plan == * More tweaks to source and binary tarball creation. * Finish modifying Cbuildv2 to use new binutils-gdb repository. * Fix all the minor bugs caused by properly trapping errors from dryrun function. * Make the new Jenkins build in a 32 bit chroot on the TCWG build machines * Figure out why Jenkins doesn't import the Junit files. * Copy .sum files to remote host. * If new Arndale or APM boards arrive this week like promised, start evaluating them. * Get the S&M team to start using Gerrit for merge requests for Cbuildv2.