Committed Kazu's VFP testcases patch upstream.
Merged the latest from upstream GCC 4.6.
Merged all the outstanding launchpad merge requests against both GCC 4.5 and 4.6.
Spun the 4.5-2011.03-0 and 4.6-2011.03-0 releases. Passed the tarballs to Michael H for final testing.
Brought the patch tracker up to date w.r.t. to new merges.
Posted one of Dan's patches upstream for review.
Decided to drop Julian's A8 alignment patch completely. I had previously discovered it provided no measurable benefit on A8, and now I've found the same for A9 (Pandaboard). There's no real improvement for any combination of -falign-* options in EEMBC.
Bernd's "Discourage NEON on A8" patch also doesn't show any value in the benchmark results, but I think I've forward ported it wrong, because it should at least change the binary size, and it doesn't. I need to look into this further.
I also decided I don't know enough about ARMv7, so I spent some time reading a few chapters from the ARM A.R.M.
---- Upstream patched requiring review: * Thumb2 constants: * ARM EABI half-precision functions * ARM Thumb2 Spill Likely tweak * NEON scheduling patch * RVCT Interoperability patch