== Progress == * FDPIC - (GNU-499) GCC: wait for feedback on v4 patches - (GNU-411) GDB: will try to keep as much as possible in common with frv
* GCC upstream validation: - reported a few regressions, helped testing some patches - dealing with some random results, still - qemu-3.1.0-rc3, memory consumption: no time to really look at the problem. Unable to match time's figures with LSF's
* GCC: - (GNU-99) rebased ubsan / bare-metal patches. Trying to build an LLVM toolchain to see how to properly apply my patches: still trying, thanks to Peter Smith for the support!
* misc (conf-calls, meetings, emails, ....) - reviewing/submitted infra script patches - ran Spec2006 on aarch32 using gcc-8.2 sysroot, on cortex-a57, results match the previous ones, so the improvements are only imputable to the compiler. 1 regression on gobmk (created GNU-596 to look at this) - dealing with nasty ST-internal infrastructure problems - (GNU-141) noinit/persistent attributes: they are already supported by GCC for TI msp430. The patches are small, plus one libgloss patch. - (GNU-592): started improving benchmarking scripts
== Next == FDPIC: - GCC: handle feedback on v4 patches - GDB: update patches - uclibc-ng: look at how to test fdpic mode with openadk
Validation: - isolate if/why qemu-3.1.0-rc3 consumes more memory than 2.11 for aarch64-linux target
Misc: GNU-592