* Benchmarks (CARD-716 3/10) - Working on Linaro's SPEC scripts for LLVM - Running SPEC2000 INT/FP (C/C++ only) on both ARMv7 and AArch64 - Re-writing some EEMBC scripts to be more stable - EEMBC reported some regressions from 3.4.2 - But still same when compared with GCC 4.8 (all in Jira)
* Toolchain (CARD-862 3/10) - Fixing bugs in the assembler/libc++abi - http://llvm.org/PR20529 - http://llvm.org/PR20025 - Investigating other bugs in the assembler - http://llvm.org/PR18926 - http://llvm.org/PR20422
* LLVM 3.5 Release (TCWG-476 1/10) - Building and testing release candidate 2
* Background (3/10) - Code review, meetings, discussions, etc. - Buildbot failures - Plan for 2014 H2 - Basic LLD AArch64 support landed upstream
== Plan ==
* Take actual holidays * Work on more assembler fixes * Finish SPEC runs, hopefully test last release candidate * Have a look at the bots, libraries, CMake, NEON, etc