=== Work done during this 4day week ===
* Continued looking into MCF branch prediction overload due to too many consecutive branches: + managed to get reproducible results -> was missing --buildid-dir option when invoking perf -> above flag seems ignored if a binary with same path exists where the initial binary was built + rerun again sampling only one event to confirm I get # of samples * sampling freq = run time -> conclusion: LLVM as good as GCC for SPEC2006 MCF, profile different because LLVM inlines one of the hot functions * GCC PR85434 / CVE-2018-12886: upstream review + finish testing and submit for external review * LLVM PR34170: + address comments and commit once approved -> most build bot failed to run the test the commit added, got reverted before I could + investigate test failure -> does not fail when LLVM compiled with GCC or in Debug mode * Continue work on DSGHACK-25 (Support arithmetic on FileCheck regex variable): + hammer out syntax based on upstream feedback about what would be desirable as FileCheck expressions * Misc: + Linaro LLVM buildbot babysitting + upstream code review * One day off on Friday
=== Plan for week 31 ===
* TCWG-1428 (Support arithmetic on FileCheck regex variable): address comments + rework patch once syntax is agreed * Track down what causes testcase added for patch 2/3 for LLVM PR34170 * Try to reproduce perf issue mentioned above on latest perf