- Investigating issue in CI jobs where touching all C files causes GDB to show a warning about the source being newer than the executable. This interferes with a few GDB tests.
- Continued investigating issue with GDB on armhf-linux about getting SIGILL when trying to detect shared library loading/unloading. Found out that the GDB testsuite binaries are using the distro's ld.so rather than the one built by ABE and which is the one expected to be used. Because we don't have debuginfo installed for the distro's ld.so, we hit the GDB bug in armhf-linux. The ld.so built by ABE has debuginfo and would avoid hitting the issue.
# TCWG Infrastructure
- Reworked CI job to sanity check tcwg_gnu_fast_check_{gcc,gdb} and posted new version for review.
- Reviewed some Gerrit requests for jenkins-scripts and ABE.