* -o2/-o3 benchmarking: Worked on and shared charts for the -o2/-o3 benchmark runs with gcc-linaro-4.6-2012.01. I have created charts for both the score of the benchmarks and the sizes (text segment) of the executables. Making improvements continuously as I get feedback from the team. The charts are stored in GoogleDocs: https://docs.google.com/a/linaro.org/leaf?id=0B1IP4dZWVaxZOGZlM2UwMGQtOGQyZS...
* gcc4.7 benchmarking: Did benchmark runs on a late revision of gcc4.7. Next week I will process the data and list regressions/improvements against gcc4.6.2 and gcc-linaro-4.6-2012.01.
* v8: Investigated possibility of running SunSpider stand-alone on the v8 engine. Found out that there is a stand-alone driver included in WebKit. Have built v8 on x86 and ARM (on ARM it takes ~18 min) and run SunSpider and the v8 benchmark suite. Next step I will try to build with another toolchain. It is not Make but SCons that controls the build, so I am not sure how to do that. https://wiki.linaro.org/AsaSandahl/Sandbox/JavaScriptBenchmarks
* Bug triaging: I have triaged all "easy" ones in the list of new tickets. Michael will help me look through the rest of new and incomplete bugs which are mostly old ones (waiting for someone to take some action) or very tricky ones.
Regards Åsa