Hi there. Could the toolchain team please have a look through the current GCC blueprints and update them? You can see a list and states at: http://apus.seabright.co.nz/helpers/backlog
and for gcc-linaro only at: http://apus.seabright.co.nz/helpers/backlog/project/gcc-linaro
Please check for any that: * are on your short-term todo list but aren't against your name * have been started but are stuck in the backlog or todo * are finished but not marked as such * are blocked * are duplicates or too undefined * or are obsolete
I'm especially interested in: * "slp-supported-ops" * "sms-register-scheduling" * "better-block-operations" * "libraries-for-backlog" * "backport-conditional-execution" * "improve-peeling" * "64-bit-sync-pimitives" * "neon-strided-load-extract"
If you've finished a significant amount of work on one blueprint then let me know. We can split that work out and push the rest back into the backlog.
Also, let me know if you're blocked on final benchmarking. We can now easily benchmark a merge request and see the difference.
-- Michael