Created a Google docs spreadsheet to help visualise the benchmark results. The graphs are not very informative yet - too many lines and too much noise. I'm going to have to revisit them.
Continued trying to build Android. The toolchains build fine, but Android itself complains about -Werror, and there are a few other real errors too. Considering I was told it built fine with GCC 4.6 and all I needed to do was tweak 4.5 to match, I'm not terribly impressed. I'm sinking too much time into fixing up Android, and I haven't even got to looking at the compiler trouble. Alexander Sack has said he will try to get me to a more appropriate starting place (I think), so I'll see what happens there.
Discussed my maddhidi4 patch with Richard E (wearing his GCC ARM maintainer hat). He's not convinced that my change won't make something else produce worse code. I can't prove that it won't either, so I'm going to have to revisit it.
Wrote up the GCC 4.6 branch policy and upgrade plan.