My n a m e is Matthais Michael, the Director of Financial Security and Trust F u n d Builders, our company was contracted to release your Covid-19 Compensation p a y m e n t to you on behalf of the UNITED NATION (UN). Your payment R e l e a s e Code is: CNG/3480/04/00. The Total amount payable to you is US$7.5 Million.
You are to reconfirm the following information to enable us determine that we are dealing with the right b e n e f i c i a r y, also the receipt of your information will facilitate the processing of your payment:
1 F u l l Name: 2 Residential address: 3 A g e: 4 Occupation: 5 D i r e c t telephone n u m b e r s:
After verification of your Information, you will be contacted with detailed i n f o r m a t i o n of procedures for the immediate release of your payment to y o u without any hitch whatsoever.
Send the requested information so we can proceed accordingly.
Mr. Matthais Michael