This patch was applied to netdev/net.git (master) by David S. Miller davem@davemloft.net:
On Thu, 15 Dec 2022 15:46:33 +0100 you wrote:
The commit mentioned below causes the ovs_flow_tbl_lookup() function to be called with the masked key. However, it's supposed to be called with the unmasked key. This due to the fact that the datapath supports installing wider flows, and OVS relies on this behavior. For example if ipv4(src=, dst= exists, a wider flow (smaller mask) of ipv4(src=,dst= is allowed to be added.
Here is the summary with links: - [net,v3] openvswitch: Fix flow lookup to use unmasked key https://git.kernel.org/netdev/net/c/68bb10101e6b
You are awesome, thank you!