This calculation is actually wrong by factor 1000. A 20MHz SPI bus is not really slow and it will transfer ~2.5MB/s over a single lane. The calculation would be right for 20kHz but I think this is a more esoteric case, isn't it?
Some of the sums are wrong, but the conclusion might be right. A 4MB transfer at 20MHz only has 5 clocks/byte - seems low if it is only using 1 data bit.
Can't really follow. Each data bit requires one clock on single wire SPI. Adressing and the like may require a bit of overhead but that should not be that much (12.5%?).
That is for 4MB in one second at 20MHz.
An SPI read transfer can be pretty much any length - you just keep on clocking out data. The overhead is independent of the length.
A memory cell just reminded me that some SPI devices are made of two (or more) memory blocks - and you can't do sequential reads from one block to the next. (It might be lying...)
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