On 11.06.24 11:19, Giovanni Santini wrote:
I am writing to report the issue mentioned in the subject.
Essentially, when running an executable from a compressed folder in an NTFS partition mounted via ntfs3 I get a segfault.
The error line I get in dmesg is:
ntfs3: nvme0n1p5: ino=c3754, "hello" mmap(write) compressed not supported
I've attached a terminal script where I show my source, Makefile and how the error appears.
You CCed the regression and the stable list, but that looks odd, as you don't even mention which kernel version you used (or which worked). Could you clarify? And ideally state if mainline (e.g. 6.10-rc3) is affected as well, as the answer to the question "who is obliged to look into this" depends on it.
Ciao, Thorsten