On Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 04:47:09PM -0600, shuah wrote:
However, if I encourage arbitrary tests/improvements into my KUnit branch, it further diverges away from torvalds/master, and is more likely that there will be a merge conflict or issue that is not related to the core KUnit changes that will cause the whole thing to be rejected again in v5.5.
The idea is that the new development will happen based on kunit in linux-kselftest next. It will work just fine. As we accepts patches, they will go on top of kunit that is in linux-next now.
I don't see how this would work. If I add unit tests to ext4, they would be in fs/ext4. And to the extent that I need to add test mocks to allow the unit tests to work, they will involve changes to existing files in fs/ext4. I can't put them in the ext4.git tree without pulling in the kunit changes into the ext4 git tree. And if they ext4 unit tests land in the kunit tree, it would be a receipe for large numbers of merge conflicts.
- Ted