* TCWG-777 (3/10) - O2 workaround: -fno-tree-pre -fno-tree-fre -fno-tree-dominator-opts -fno-gcse -fno-peephole2 - Observing rtl dumps for gcse, combine, peephole2 with different options and optimization levels. - Continued investigating ICE during gcc build with my pass applied. - Sent mail to tcwg, for further suggestions
* TCWG-830 (2/10) - Verified the behavior for aarch64, and extended patch for aarc64 along same lines. - Running Charles's microbenchmarks on r1-a7 - Benchmarking setup with Bernie. Blocked by permissions, sent a mail to lava-lab, for granting requisite permissions
* TCWG-835 (2/10) - observing vector and asm dumps
* Misc (3/10) - Travel to Mumbai for US Visa Interview - Conference Calls
== Next Week == - Continue with TCWG-777, TCWG-835, TCWG-830