I'm maintaining an older release we have which uses the older toolchian binaries in gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabi-2012.03-20120326_linux. I've identified a bug in glibc we appear to be encountering and would like to port the fix back.
I initially went the route of compiling the above toolchain binaries from source as described in the readme.txt but then found that the cross compiler binary build does not include the e/glibc build and these appear to be sucked in in binary form (oneiric-sysroot-r1).
Are there any documents how these prebuilt libc binaries were created?
Please note that I'm not asking in general how to build glibc. I've built a version with and without this bug patched to verify that it is indeed what we are hitting. I'm more hoping to get an idea of how the specific binaries mentioned above were built.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Evan Carson