== Progress == * builtin_bswap16: * backporting of builtin_bswap16 for ARM to Linaro/4.7: one of the tests fails. Waiting for Ramana's return to see if he can help me identify the patch needed from trunk.
* Useless zero extensions: despite Ulrich support I didn't succeed to rewrite the bswap16 pattern in a way that would avoid generating useless zero extension. Asking for help on gcc list shows that it would actually need a complete new optimization pass, which has already been discussed several times.
* PGO/hot-cold partitioning/Spec2k: * looking at spec2k build & run system
* Branch reviews: approved Matt's october merges for Linaro-gcc 4.6 and 4.7. Briefly looked at aarch64-4.7 merge request.
== Next == * builtin_bswap16: * try to complete backport to linaro-gcc 4.7.
* PGO/hot-cold partitioning/Spec2k: * investigate compiler crash and runtime failures. * setup Snowball