* V8 - SunSpider The pieces for building in cbuild and parsing with the linaro-toolchain-benchmark scripts are in place. Ran the SunSpider benchmark across a few toolchains with the o2-neon and o3-neon variants. I have documented my work on this page, but not analyzed the results yet. https://wiki.linaro.org/AsaSandahl/Sandbox/JavaScriptBenchmark
What worries me is that there is too much variation in some of the test results. Probably caused by the garbage collection kicking in at unpredictable times. I will try to monitor the gc and investigate if it can be controlled somehow.
I would like to do a gcc-4.4 run as well. Android's original toolchain is based on gcc-4.4.3(?) and that is what I compared against when doing measurements internally. However, I have problem compiling C++ with gcc-4.4 - it is this one again: home/asa-san/cbuild/slaves/ursa3/gcc-4.4.5/gcc-binary/bin/../libexec/gcc/armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabi/4.4.5/cc1plus: /home/asa-san/cbuild/slaves/ursa3/gcc-4.4.5/gcc-binary/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14' not found (required by /usr/lib/libppl.so.7)
* Handed over daily tasks to Zhenqiang.
Regards Åsa