* built linaro binary toolchain using Michaels crosstool-ng environment: * disabled multiarch and pkg-config * uses eglibc 2.13 (due to RPC headers) * using Linux kernel version (longterm) * debugged why /sbin/init fails when using the linaro binary toolchain: * the loader and libc of the binary toolchain is build for armv7 * the binaries (init, busybox, ...) are linked against this glibc and using the libdl-2.13.so of the binary toolchain * it causes the boot to fails due to illegal insn caused by the dl * built the minimal image for armv7-a: * use the vexpress_defconfig of linaro 3.1 tree linux-linaro-3.1.git (instead of the OE vesatilebp kernel) * boots fine using the vexpress-a9 QEMU system model * sato image (X and gtk+ apps) for armv7-a: * Tremor (vorbis): inline assembly only supports ARM mode quick workaround: undefine _ARM_ASSEM_ to fall back to C * pulseaudio/libatomics-ops: inline asm that only supports ARM mode quick workaround: use the latest version from upstream * gtk+_2.24.8 fails due to the libstdc++ libtool archive easy fix: delete the *la files (just like most of the distributors) the *la files prevent the the binary toolchain from being "relocatable" * sato image boots and shows the gui but the X resolution is higher and the X cursor behaves strange (probably not a miscompile but a difference of the linaro kernel)
Regards, Ken