== Progress == * GCC 4.8 and 4.9 releases (2/10) - committed both branch merges after review+checked the validation results - 4.8 needs another branch merge, to get the last errata-related backport
* GCC trunk/4.9 cross-validation (1/10) - committed a couple of patches to clean the testsuite - observed a couple of regressions, no time to investigate/report
* AArch64 sanitizer - got agreement in principle for a new patch, which would test the kernel headers version.
* Neon intrinsics tests update (1/10) - the 2 PR I created last week are probably duplicate. - ARM posted patches to fix problems in the same area, but don't fix these PRs
* cbuild2 - no progress
* Misc (6/10) - calls, meetings, support
== Next == - Tuesday 11th public holiday * AArch64 sanitizer * Neon intrinsics update * GCC linaro 4.8/4.9 releases * cbuild2: - analyze previous results - look at backport-test and tcwgweb scripts+logs