I think that it is easier to describe situation in email then on irc.
Currently there are 4 packages related to cross compilation support:
- armel-cross-toolchain-base (a-c-t-base in short) - gcc-4.4-armel-cross - gcc-4.5-armel-cross - gcc-defaults-armel-cross
Each of them got into archive but they need to be updated to get installable packages.
Status of each package:
1. a-c-t-base is at 1.47 in archive and was built from gcc-4.5-source 4.5.1-6ubuntu1 version. This package is used to bootstrap armel cross toolchain and generates:
- binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi (from binutils-source) - libc6(-dev,-dbg)-armel-cross (from eglibc-source) - linux-libc-dev-armel-cross (from linux-source-2.6.35) - gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi-base, libgcc1(-dbg)-armel-cross (from gcc-4.5-source)
libgcc1* packages have /usr/share/doc/ directories as symlinks to /usr/share/doc/gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi-base/
I have a version which does not provide gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi-base package, libgcc(-dbg)-armel-cross depends on gcc-4.5-base and have /usr/share/doc/ directories pointing into gcc-4.5-base one. Need to fix this symlink by providing those files in libgcc1 package instead.
2. gcc-4.4-armel-cross is at 1.36 in archive and was built with gcc-4.4-source 4.4.4-14ubuntu4 version. This package provides compilers, libstc++6-4.4-(dev,dbg,pic)-armel-cross, libmudflap0-4.4-dev-armel-cross and gcc-4.4-arm-linux-gnueabi-base packages.
I have 1.38 version ready to upload which fixes #637454 #640298 bugs.
3. gcc-4.5-armel-cross is at 1.35 in archive and was built with gcc-4.5-source 4.5.1-7ubuntu1 version. This package provides compilers and runtime libraries. But it does not provide libgcc1(-dbg)-armel-cross and gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi-base because they are in a-c-t-base source package. All resulting packages have /usr/share/doc/ directories pointing into gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi-base one which is policy violation.
I have 1.37 version ready to upload which fixes #637454 #640298 bugs and provides gcc-4.5-arm-linux-gnueabi-base package so policy violation is removed.
4. gcc-defaults-armel-cross is at 1.3 in archive and does not require any changes.
Main problem is that packages generated from gcc-4.5-source are split into two packages: armel-cross-toolchain-base (libgcc1(-dbg)-armel-cross) and gcc-4.5-armel-cross (all the rest). This was required to allow to bootstrap cross compiler but gives problems when one is built with other version of gcc-4.5-source then other - resulting packages are not installable (we have it now in archive). It is also a thing which Matthias does not like and I understand it. For now my only solution is to build both with one version of gcc-4.5-source.
What are your opinions?
http://marcin.juszkiewicz.com.pl/download/ubuntu/ is download link for mentioned versions.