On Mon, Apr 04, 2011 at 04:31:45PM +1200, Michael Hope wrote:
Linaro GCC 4.5 and mainline GCC vs 4.5.2: http://people.linaro.org/~michaelh/incoming/all-o3-vs-gcc-4.5.2.png
Interesting and nice to see the positive progress, but it does seem from the picture it's hard to get a grasp of exactly what makes that particular benchmark faster. Can we/are we setting something up so we can always benchmark daily and pick up regressions easily, or is the issue not so much finding what causes the regressions as it is solving them? IOW, are most of the slowdowns happening because people are replumbing the code and the performance regression is fallout, or is it because they're tuning looking at something else?
Linaro GCC 4.5 releases vs our first: http://people.linaro.org/~michaelh/incoming/releases-o3-vs-gcc-linaro-4.5-20...
Linaro GCC 4.5 builds between 2010.08 and 2010.10: http://people.linaro.org/~michaelh/incoming/releases-o3-vs-gcc-linaro-4.5-20...
Trying to fool us with the old same URL trick eh?