On 30 April 2013 01:32, Kalai Narayanan-SSI kalai.rajah@ssi.samsung.com wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to build the aarch64 tool chain from source on a Redhat machine. I see that build.mk in the crosstool package requires a few .deb packages. If I want to build this on a Redhat machine, what are the changes I have to do?
Why not try our binary release? The binaries should work on Redhat machine.
Most .deb packages are not necessary. Lots of work in build.mk is release related. Please try the following steps:
cd crosstool-ng-linaro-1.13.1... mkdir -p builds/aarch64-linux-gnu-linux cp samples/linaro-aarch64-linux-gnu/crosstool.config builds/aarch64-linux-gnu-linux/.config ./configure --local # If fail, you need install the dependence package make
cd builds/aarch64-linux-gnu-linux * Changing CT_BUILD_MANUALS=y to CT_BUILD_MANUALS=n in .config can release lots of dependence. * You can use ../../ct-ng menuconfig to disable more configs.
Then ../../ct-ng build #You might fail due to dependence issue.
If success, you will get the toolchain at ./install
Best regards! -Zhenqiang