The Linaro Toolchain Working Group (TCWG) is pleased to announce the 2014.11 stable release of both Linaro GCC 4.9 and Linaro GCC 4.8 source packages.
With the imminent release of ARMv8 hardware and the recent release of the GCC 4.9 compiler the Linaro TCWG will be focusing on stabilization and performance of the compiler as the FSF GCC compiler. The Linaro TCWG provides stable[1] quarterly releases and monthly engineering[2] releases.
Linaro GCC 4.9 2014.11 is the eighth Linaro GCC source package release and second stable one in the 4.9 series. It is based on FSF GCC4.9.3-pre+svn216979 and includes performance improvements and bug fixes.
Interesting changes in this GCC source package release include:
* Updates to GCC 4.9.3-pre+svn216979 * Backport of [AArch64] Fix ILP32 * Add new Linaro release macros : __LINARO_RELEASE__ and __LINARO_SPIN__
Linaro GCC 4.8 2014.11 is the fifteenth release in the 4.8 series and second one since entering maintenance. Based off the latest GCC 4.8.4-pre+svn217270 release, it includes performance improvements and bug fixes.
Interesting changes in this GCC source package release include:
* Linaro bugzilla PR fixed : #307, #534 * Updates to GCC 4.8.4-pre+svn217270 * Add new Linaro release macros : __LINARO_RELEASE__ and __LINARO_SPIN__
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* Bug reports should be filed in bugzilla against GCC product: * Questions? "ask Linaro": * Interested in commercial support? inquire at "Linaro support":mailto:
[1] Stable source package releases are defined as releases where the full Linaro Toolchain validation plan is executed. [2] Engineering source package releases are defined as releases where the compiler is only put through unit-testing and full validation is not performed.