== Progress == * GCC upstream validation: - reported several regressions/new failures
* GCC - Neon intrinsics: vceqq, vceqz and vceqzq for p64 patch: no feedback - MVE autovectorization: started patterns updates (vand, vorr, veor)
* Misc - investigated LP bug 1747966 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded/+bug/1747966) there is a fix in binutils upstream: https://sourceware.org/git/?p=binutils-gdb.git%3Ba=commit%3Bh=0e6a3f07f50723...
* benchmarking: - Scripts to run coremark on stm32 now merged, debugging issues.
* infra: - debugging issues with our docker containers
== Next == * GCC/cortex-M testing improvements & fixes * cortex-m benchmarking * MVE intrinsics improvements