== Progress ==
Transition week into Linaro toolchain group from ARM to replace Bernie [*]
- Some ARM handover work done.
-- Checked behaviour of ADRL on armasm and GNU as
-- Worked out what I need to do in LLVM to make ADRL work, looks like nothing hugely complicated but a lot of plumbing through various layers.
- Started reading about AArch64 TLS descriptor implementation. I'm familiar with the AArch32 traditional model so I need to bridge the gap a bit.
== Plans ==
- Post some review comments on Adhemeval's TLS patch with the hope of unblocking it.
- Start implementing support for ADRL in the integrated assembler
== Planned Absences ==
Holiday 18th - 22nd April (Attending ACCU conference in Bristol). I think I've put that in the shared holiday calendar correctly.
[*] Hello to everyone I didn't manage to meet at Linaro Connect. I've been working in ARM's proprietary compiler team, with much of that time spent on armlink and the other non-compiler tools.