On 17/05/13 20:57, Padgett Don-B43265 wrote:
The v8 Foundation Model User Guide has a bare metal hello world example that uses semi-hosting. The Makefile uses ARM tools, however. Is there equivalent support for this example using a bare metal version of the gnu tools, such as gcc-linaro-aarch64-none-elf-4.8-2013.04-20130422_linux.tar.xz? I took a look, but didn't see a way to do this.
It is possible but not necessarily easy.
Using the binary tools you've downloaded you will want to do something like the following:
aarch64-none-elf-gcc -specs=elf-aem-ve.specs ...
The -specs option has to be on all your invocations of GCC and G++. You should also invoke the linker through GCC with this option.
Then you need to invoke the model, given an image called foo.axf:
Foundation_v8 --image foo.axf --semi-host="foo.axf OPT1 OPT2" --quiet
Note that the first option to --semi-host is the name of the image again.