Short week (Friday off)
== Progress == * GCC trunk cross-validation (2/10) - catch up with backlog, reported newly introduced FAILs - analyzed logs of spurious failures, improved reporting of such cases - the script will know send a separate email with the svn ids it has selected for validation, to help fill the backports spreadsheet
* Infrastructure (2/10) - started deployment of past releases to help us quickly reproduce/investigate bug reports - 14.* binary releases deployed on toolchain64 (/work/toolchains) - automation not yet possible because of problem with the lab internal squid proxy preventing the download of for parsing
- started deployment of past toolchains built from the source releases using cbuild2 but ran into build problems
* Neon intrinsics tests (1/10)
* Misc (conf calls, meetings) (3/10) - 1-1 calls to get feedback after Cauldron+Sprint - a bit of bugzilla triage - backports reviews for 14.08 release
== Next == Holidays, back on Aug 18th