On 03/09/2012 01:33 AM, Michael Hope wrote:
Hi Ken. This month's release is next week. Let's be aggressive and see if we can use your meta-linaro layer to check the source release.
I want to use tcserver01 in the validation lab instead of the cloud until we know how much it costs. I've added you an account and done a test build to check that the dependencies are there. There's a shared directory in /home/shared that includes downloads and a sstate-cache. The machine seems fast enough for the job.
Thanks for providing the setup! As an initial test I've started a build against the source gcc-linaro-4.6-2012.02. There is a small bash script [1] that automates checkouts (oe-core, meta-linaro and bitbake branches), creates a config that suites our requirements and finally kicks off builds of the sato and qt4e images. It's been compiling for some time now - still looking good. :)
The tarball should be ready around Tuesday next week. Once ready, could you mix it in with the meta-linaro layer, do a build, boot the rootfs in qemu, and document as you go? Anything past that is welcome.
As for the documentation - do we need anything more than what's in the wiki?
It's all manual but a nice proof of concept. Can we check the binary build as well?
Sure, just point me to the tarballs and I'll create the recipe and give it a go.
Regards, Ken
[1] http://people.linaro.org/~kwerner/oe-core/script/build-oe-core-linaro.sh