On 04/11/2012 05:16 PM, Michael Hope wrote:
2012/4/12 Paulo César Pereira de Andrade
This includes the ABI (h), adds the endianess (l), and implies a architecture level (v7). The name for the most common configurations should be as short as possible so I'd rather drop the 'l' and add a 'b' or 'eb' if anyone wants a big endian distro in the future. The architecture level is a problem as the loader should also be valid on ARMv5 and ARMv6 hard float builds. Skype should be able to make a hard float binary that runs on everything, including a potential ARMv6 hard float RaspberryPi build.
In Fedora we specifically mean VFPv3-D16 when we're talking about hard float. This is the lowest common denominator for us. If you want to support armv5hl, armv6hl, and armv7hl as all being possible (whatever string you like to represent it) that's good to know because it's beyond what we're contemplating.