Hi Ken, Thiago. Could you try your hand at writing cards for the OpenEmbedded Core meta-layer and GDB and Android? Here are some past cards: https://linaro-public.papyrs.com/TCWG2011-GCC-O3 https://linaro-public.papyrs.com/TCWG2011-OPENOCD-SUPPORT https://linaro-public.papyrs.com/TCWG2011-WINDOWS-TOOLCHAIN
They cover: * An introduction * The why/advantages * The what/features * The how/steps * Dependencies * Acceptance criteria (which is a post-tense version of the body)
A card should cover three calendar months. Check the unknowns - we need to investigate the acceptance criteria and make sure there is no unexpected side work in there.
We use roadmap cards as the highest level of organising our work. Cards are the interface between working groups and the TSC and sit at the project brief / deep but concise level.
Draft them on the wiki (cf https://wiki.linaro.org/KenWerner/Sandbox) and we'll go from there.
-- Michael