== Progress == * GCC trunk cross-validation (CARD-647) (6/10) - email robot is now working - added list of "ignored" tests when reporting regressions, mainly because they are unstable when run under qemu (threads...) - a57+crypto FPU config looks OK - tried to use "contrib/test_summry" to send results, but that would flood gcc-testresults mailing-list - looked at impact of using CFLAGS/CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET etc upon libstdc++ tests. Needs deeper investigation - robustified scripts to handle more compute farm errors (random "interrupted system call")
* AArch64 libsanitizer: no progress this week
* Neon intrinsic tests: review started
* Misc (meetings, conf-calls, ...) 4/10 - 4.7-2014.06 release done, benchmarks on-going
== Next == * GCC cross-validation - look more deeply at the impact of the various CFLAGS (on testsuites results)
* Neon intrinsic tests: - handle feedback
* AArch64 libsanitzer: resume work
* Publish 4.7-2014.06 release