On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 07:32:51PM -0300, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 03:08:53PM -0700, Taras Glek wrote:
You should definitely be trying to build using the Linaro 4.5 and 4.6 compiler branches; they are pretty much guaranteed to give you better performance, and if they don't, we're on the hook to fix it quickly! All the patches go upstream, so there is no risk of you being stuck on a fork -- it just makes everything you need available right now.
Mike, can you give these a try?
Also, the 4.5 branch is likely to perform better for a while; once 4.6 has caught up 4.5 goes into stable mode.
If you are on a platform with NEON (i.e. not a Tegra2) experimenting with on -O3 and -mfpu=neon might get some interesting results as that enables the NEON auto-vectorizing Ira has been working on; given it's Mozilla, you might also get an ICE though ;-) Tell us how it goes.
That's unfortunately not something that can work for us, except if we start distributing a different android build for NEON and non-NEON.