+++ Ganesan, Aravind [2015-05-13 18:35 -0600]:
Hi Guys, I have two questions: (1) I have download gcc-4.9 tool chain from http://releases.linaro.org/14.08/components/toolchain/binaries. The kernel for the release (http://releases.linaro.org/14.08/components/kernel/linux-linaro) is 3.16. So can we assume the kernel headers found in the tool chain installation from the link above belongs to linux version 3.16?
(2) Also, I ubuntu wiki indicates that starting with Ubuntu 12.04 they are using linaro gcc packages for arm64
Not linaro packages directly, but the same source tree/patch set.
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ToolChain). Is there an easy way to find what linaro-release (for tool chain) will be compatible with Ubuntu 14.10 aarch64 image?
If building on Ubuntu it's much easier to use the ubuntu-packaged toolchains (or cross-toolchains) which should function just the same but have multiarch enabled and be properly packaged.
That should make your Q1 moot as you the kernel-headers are a separate package from the cross-toolchain and normal package-management tools will make it obvious what versions are available/installed.
You only want to try using a linaro toolchain release directly if there is some super-recent feature that you need, but which hasn't yet made it into the Ubuntu toolchain (they will always be somewhat behind 'current' especially if building on stable).