I've been checking over the benchmarks as a lead up to the 2010.09 release. We're in a good way compared to both 4.4.4 and 4.5.1 for most non-trivial tests. * pybench is 10.9 % faster than 4.4.4 and 7.7 % faster than 4.5.1. * linpack is 46.4 % faster than 4.4.4 and the same as 4.5.1. * ffmpeg h.264 video decode (with hand written assembler versions turned off) is 15.4 % faster than 4.4.4 and 1.2 % faster than 4.5.1.
All results are statistically invalid and against poor workloads, but I'll work on that.
See http://ex.seabright.co.nz/helpers/benchcompare for more.
-- Michael