On 13/03/11 22:28, Michael Hope wrote:
I specifically want to include gcc-linaro-tracking items. That's why I added them.
Hi Andrew. What is your goal here? I'm concerned as status.linaro.org counts each tracking ticket as a work item and this inflates the amount of work recorded. I've assumed that the upstreaming work is rolled into the original work item or bug report which is already tracked.
Simply that I seemed to be spending all my time on one work item, so I thought I would break it down a bit. This also gives me some indication how far through the task I am.
It's unfortunate that the ticket status isn't really what we're after here - i.e. the blueprint status depends on the local 4.6 branch, but the ticket status depends on the upstream status. I had intended that these two would correlate quite closely, but events have conspired against me.