Juno cache effects - LDTS-1238 [6/10] * Ran more experiments * Cobbled together some gdb/python script to run perf stat within an address range * Becoming more confident in my hypotheses
catomics - TCWG-436 [1/10] * Found and fixed some more sysroot benchmark bugs * Kicked off a bunch of spec runs, waiting for the results to come back
Benchmark automation - TCWG-360 [1/10] * A couple of post-lab-maintenance fixups * Took a first look at result consistency with a broken run intended for catomics
Misc - [2/10] * Featuring the start of fixing juno-01
Finish fixing juno-01 Carry on looking at LDTS-1238, hopeful of confirming hypotheses Analyse catomics results (assuming that they land) Carry on with Jenkins, if time