Controlled image builds - TCWG-360 [2/10] * A few more test/debug cycles with ci-loop-built image
Jenkins benchmarking job - TCWG-348 [3/10] * YAML-ised Jenkins job, more test/debug cycles
Juno crashdump [1/10] * Got a usable dump (via alt-sysrq-c) with latest patches plus some fiddling
SPEC-on-Android [1/10] * Looked at Qian's work to date, didn't come up with any bright ideas
Misc [3/10]
Review security with shared uinstance/main instance code Expose more data, benchmarks to bundles Continue debug/test of Jenkins job Create bootable image for at least 1 target, or know what the problems are Write up noise control report (if time) Set Juno off, try to get a dump of my crash Probably more support for SPEC-on-Android
'ARM Day' next Monday (30th)