2013-07-30 10:01 GMT+08:00 Zhenqiang Chen zhenqiang.chen@linaro.org:
The Linaro Toolchain and Platform Working Groups are pleased to announce the 2013.07 release of the Linaro Toolchain Binaries, a pre-built version of Linaro GCC and Linaro GDB that runs on generic Linux or Windows and targets the glibc Linaro Evaluation Build.
Uses include:
- Cross compiling ARM applications from your laptop
- Remote debugging
- Build the Linux kernel for your board
What's included:
- Linaro GCC 4.8 2013.07-1
- Linaro Newlib 2.0 2013.06
- Linaro Binutils 2.23 2013.06
- Linaro Eglibc 2.17-2013.07-2
So the libraries search path has been moved from /lib /usr/lib to /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ and /usr//lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/? i want to know the rule for that. if people want to be compatible with old buildsystem, so we suppose we use a LD_LIBRARY_PATH?
- Linaro GDB 7.6 2013.05
- A statically linked gdbserver
- A system root
- Manuals under share/doc/