== This week ==
* Bugzilla 70089 - ARM/THUMB unnecessarily typecasts some rvalues on memory store (1/10) - Arm backend is not recognizing that some constants can be encoded using modified immediate - This is causing constant to be split and additional code generated - Range of constants allowed differs between Arm and Thumb2 - Created prototype patch to allow additional ARM modified immediate instructions - Began work on Thumb2 patch
* TCWG-247 - Create Validation Job to run on GCC Trunk Commit (2/10) - Developed shell portion of script to read and parse web page with builder information - Developing rest of yaml script including trigger on specified interval
* Misc meeting (1/10)
* Vacation (6/10) - April 11 - 13
== Next week ==
* TCWG-247 - Finish script
* Bugzilla 70089 - ARM/THUMB unnecessarily typecasts some rvalues on memory store - Finalize arm patch and validate - Make progress on Thumb2 patch